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This page explains the basic settings that can be altered for Monsido Consent Manager.

Quick setup

The minium requirement for setup is to add this script to the pages where Monsido Consent Manager should appear.

window._monsidoConsentManagerConfig = {
token: "insert-your-monsido-token-here"

Design and appearance

Using the settings on _monsidoConsentManagerConfig you can control the design of Monsido Consent Manager. Find a list of all options and types in the "Settings" section in the left-side menu.


window._monsidoConsentManagerConfig = {
token: "insert-your-monsido-token-here",
privacyRegulation: ["ccpa","gdpr"],
settings: {
manualStartup: false,
hideOnAccepted: false,
perCategoryConsent: true,
explicitRejectOption: false,
hasOverlay: false,
i18n: {
languages: ["en_US", "nb_NO", "de_DE", "es_ES", "da_DK"],
language: "en_US",
theme: {
iconPictureUrl: "stroopwafel",
iconShape: "rounded_box",
position: "bottom-center",
links: {
cookiePolicyUrl: "https://insert-your-url-here",
linkToCookieOverview: "https://insert-your-url-here",
optOutUrl: "https://insert-your-url-here",
cookieOverview: {
enable: false,
containerSelector: "#cookie-overview-container",
hideInPreferences: false

It is possible to remove the consent widget. By using the hideOnAccepted setting, you can set the consent widget to not appear automatically once the visitor has made a consent choice on the cookie banner.


window._monsidoConsentManagerConfig = {
token: "insert-your-monsido-token-here",
settings: {
hideOnAccepted: true,

Instead, you can make the cookie banner show when a visitor clicks any button or link on your website. This can be acieved by executing the following script when an element with a specific class atrtibute is clicked by the visitor:


<script type="text/javascript">
window.MonsidoCookieOnLoad = function() {
var cookiePreferencesEl = document.querySelector(".element-class-name");
if (cookiePreferencesEl) {
cookiePreferencesEl.addEventListener("click", function() {
var mcmEl = document.querySelector('mon-cb-main');
if (mcmEl) {

You'll need to replace .element-class-name with the class of the button or link that you want to trigger the banner on click.

Privacy regulations

Monsido Consent Manager supports both CCPA and GDPR. You can adjust whether you want the cookie banner to adapt to one or both at the same time using the privacyRegulation setting.


window._monsidoConsentManagerConfig = {
token: "insert-your-monsido-token-here",
privacyRegulation: ["GDPR", "CCPA"],


The required and unique setting for the GDPR version of the cookie banner is perCategoryConsent. This ensures that visitors are allowed to opt-out of specific categories of cookies on the cookie banner.


window._monsidoConsentManagerConfig = {
token: "insert-your-monsido-token-here",
settings: {
perCategoryConsent: true


The required and unique setting for the GDPR version of the cookie banner is optOutUrl. This ensures that visitors can be directed to a web page on your website where they can opt-out of having their personal data sold to third parties.


window._monsidoConsentManagerConfig = {
token: "insert-your-monsido-token-here",
privacyRegulation: ["GDPR"],
links: {
optOutUrl: "https://insert-your-url-here",


Monsido Consent Manager supports English (US) and Danish. Use the language setting to specify language on the cookie banner. Monsido Consent Manager supports English (US), Spanish, German, Norwegian Bokmål, Dutch and Danish. Use the languages setting to specify languages that you want the cookie banner to show in. Use defaultLanguage to define a fallback language that the banner will be displayed in if a web page is in a language that is not supported.


window._monsidoConsentManagerConfig = {
token: "insert-your-monsido-token-here",
i18n: {
languages: ["en_US", "nb_NO", "de_DE", "es_ES", "da_DK"],
language: "en_US",

If you have selected GDPR as your privacy framework, by defult all your cookies will show on the actual cookie banner. For CCPA, they will not show.

Display list of cookies on your website

You can select to have a dedicated page for the cookie list. You can use the linkToCookieOverview settings to do that.

cookieOverview: {
token: "insert-your-monsido-token-here",
privacyRegulation: ["GDPR"],
links: {
linkToCookieOverview: "https://insert-your-url-here"